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Sem 2 Dev Log 3

Neural Echos | Gamification
A downloadable game

Over the last 3 weeks I've been working away on my assets and finishing up the last of the enemies. I honestly just sat myself down at my computer everyday for 5 hours and powered through; sometimes there's no other way then facing the music and hunkering down. Over this next week I'm going to start implementing sounds and finish up my animatic for a little bit of narrative flair to really make the game feel finished. I assume we aren't going to be shipping this game out at the quality it could've been but I understand that no matter how much you plan, life happens. The thing I'm the most nervous about is finishing the music in time because I'm not too well versed in song production. I've made two small loops that should work no matter what and at the very least create some ambiance and at worst annoy the players. We just finished our playtest and I'm feeling better about the overall direction of our game and I think it will at the very least delivered on our goal of not really creating a huge fully fleshed game but more something that we can show off our work for our portfolios.

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