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Hailey Martin

Pretty White Smile
A downloadable game

Hailey Martin is generally considered a wild woman. While Hailey Martin considers herself a free woman who does whatever she wants, she is essentially what every 20-something-year-old dreams of becoming in their minds because they see her as "Wild and Free." She has no inhibitions and does whatever she wants. However, Hailey Martin ends up essentially ruining her life.

Hailey Martin sleeps around with many people, which leads to her contracting a multitude of STDs. Most of the STDs she contracted were curable; however, she contracted HIV, which she has managed to bring to an undetectable stage, but it was a painful experience. She is currently trying to prevent herself from getting genital herpes, fearing it will be the final blow due to her HIV.

Hailey Martin has also burned a lot of bridges. She had a one-night stand with Bob Hampton before contracting HIV and while she was clean. However, Hailey Martin has been married three times, and each time, she was divorced.

She didn't divorce those men; they divorced her because she was a constant cheater and did not want to be sensually inhibited. She would always argue with her previous husbands about how they were trying to control her by simply asking her not to cheat with other men. Most did not care about how she dressed until she started sleeping around. Then, they would get upset when she dressed in something skimpy, assuming that she would go out with other men. Eventually, many of the husbands thought the marriage was reaching a very toxic point and did not want to become that abusive husband. So, to save her and themselves from heartache, they divorced her.

Hailey Martin currently has brain damage due to her use of LSD. One of Hailey Martin's husbands, James Martin, who was her last husband, ended up taking her to get healed because her usage of LSD had damaged her brain so much that she became permanently disabled. James Martin took her to a church where God healed her, allowing her to use her body again. However, due to her addiction to LSD, she returned to the drug. This time, she did not become permanently disabled; instead, she now has long-lasting hallucinations because LSD can remain in your system for up to years after usage. She no longer can stop seeing hallucinations. She now has not only LSD in her system for up to years, but she will also never lose the hallucinations even after the LSD has fully left her system. Her brain has been damaged by it so much that she constantly sees hallucinations due to the consequences of her actions.

This character was created to serve as a cautionary tale about what happens when you try to live life without rules, inhibitions, restraints, or caution.

She delved even deeper into this lifestyle when she joined Satanism, specifically LaVeyan Satanism, attempting to live a carefree life without restraint, which led to her downfall as everything she wanted to do ultimately ruined her life. Hailey Martin has two children by two different fathers: one child with James Martin and another with a man she had a one-night stand with while married to her second husband, Donald Mortimer. The man she slept with was named Tom Hodgkins. The child, a little girl, was named Ariella Martin. She did not give her child Mortimer's or Hodgkins' last name, fearing that he might not be the father. Donald Mortimer got a DNA test, which revealed that Tom was the father. After Donald divorced her, Hailey, not wanting to raise a child alone, sent Ariella to live with Tom Hodgkins. James Martin's child is named Donnie Martin. He lives with his father after the judge decided it would be for the best, as Hailey Martin was deemed irresponsible.

Hailey Martin used to get revenge on people, but of course, when you fight fire with fire, you'll run the risk of getting burned because honestly, fighting fire with fire is just interacting with fire. She argued with a girl named Kelly. Kelly had insulted her looks, calling her fat, so Hailey punched her in the face, which caused Kelly to punch her back, and Kelly's sister called the police, which led to Hailey getting arrested and Kelly getting off with self-defense. The police didn't really believe that Kelly calling Hailey fat was a justifiable reason for Hailey to hit Kelly, and this is why she was arrested.

What started the fight was essentially that Hailey had stolen one of Kelly's items because Hailey wanted Kelly's purse, so she stole Kelly's purse, and Kelly started cursing her out and arguing with her.

This led to Hailey being put in jail for 60 days until she was bailed out. Hailey was 25 when she committed the crime and was married to her first husband, Jan Poppers, who was 35 at the time. Hailey is now 45 years old.

When Hailey was 26 years old, she began to pursue a married man named Alexander Carpalton, who had three kids: two boys and one girl. Alexander was 28, and Alexander's wife, Sarah, was 29. His kids were ages three to five, with the youngest boy being three, the oldest girl being five, and the middle child being four years old.

Alexander kept denying her, which made Hailey very angry and led her to vandalize his car, resulting in her arrest.

From the ages of 16 to 29, everyone thought of Hailey as “ratchet,” because she acted ratchet and ghetto. Hailey is a Caucasian girl raised in a very liberal and lenient family. They always believed in letting her do what she wanted; they did not believe in discipline. They would just talk to her, and whenever she did something wrong, they would usually allow it. They let her do whatever she wanted and would just be there to handle the consequences because they thought, "Well, she's going to be a teen and do it anyway; we should just let her do whatever she wants." This lack of discipline is what led to her current personality.

To Hailey, she was an undisciplined wild woman in the eyes of people who were conservative, strict, and had too many scruples. However, to other people, she was an undisciplined, horrible person who always hurt people and brought disaster to herself and others in her wake. She didn't even understand the wrong that she did and would always pin the blame on other people, calling everyone else unreasonable and evil for treating her badly whenever she did something terrible to them, or did something wrong, promiscuous, or basically showed that she had no discipline. She would engage in promiscuous activities and not understand why people called her derogatory names.

Her parents did not raise her with self-awareness. Hailey's parents did not know nor understand the consequences of doing drugs because they didn't know much about drugs and didn't look into it. They didn't know the consequences of being promiscuous and sleeping around. They didn't know the consequences of pretty much anything. Throughout their lives, and their parents' lives, they would just do what they wanted, and then when the consequences came, they would wonder how this happened.

Whenever Hailey would ask what was wrong with something, they would tell her, but she was so undisciplined that she didn't care. To be honest, she had the mindset of a child who thinks they're invincible. She thinks, "Well, this doesn't happen to me; this happens to everyone else but not to me," without realizing that if it happens to other people, it could surely happen to her. Just because her whole life she was fine doesn't mean that she'll stay fine, and unfortunately, this is what led to her current life. She was quite literally one of the unlucky ones who faced the inevitable consequences of her actions.

Hailey also once contracted an STD after having her two children, at the age of 44, which made her infertile. There is an STD with cells so small that they can pass through the holes of a condom and make a woman infertile. So, when you have sex with some dude, sometimes that STD enters you and makes you incapable of having children. Hailey was devastated when she discovered that she had this STD.

Hailey contracted chlamydia, which, if untreated, can cause infertility. In women, it may ascend to the upper genital tract, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and damaging the fallopian tubes, thus impairing fertilization and implantation. In men, it can lead to epididymitis, inflaming the epididymis and potentially affecting sperm production or causing blockages. The risk of progressing from chlamydia to infertility depends on the infection's duration, concurrent infections, and repeat infections. Prompt treatment is essential to prevent PID and infertility.

In the game, Hailey will hear and see hallucinations as she talks to you, and sometimes she will go completely blind. Not because she's actually blind, but because the hallucination is so overwhelmingly huge that it quite literally covers her entire vision, preventing her from seeing the real world

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