Posted March 23, 2024 by VeteranNewb
More bug fixes and lots of little things cleaned up in this patch.
New Feature:
-- Added troubleshooting tool to start-screen
---- Shift + C + Escape -> brings up a dialog to clear player preferences
Balance Changes:
-- Defense Drone:
---- Ability renamed: Dot Mines
---- Ability now casts instantly
---- Mine projectiles move faster
-- Worker:
---- Build Transmuter: Energy cost: 20 -> 25
-- Invasion:
---- Now applies to transporter units, gives drop-unit command
---- No longer applies to units on hold-position
Bug Fixes:
-- Harvest Mode: now ends properly, and displays destroyed core counts
-- Units no longer get stuck outside attack range
-- Workers no longer restart mining when reclicked
-- Launch projectile abilities:
---- Fighter, Defense Drone, Mojo Tower
---- These abilities will now fire when out of range
-- Amulet: Null Blocks
---- Does a better job spreading out the blockers
Other Changes:
-- Unit destruction effect adjusted
---- Explode a bit earlier
---- Sounds have been adjusted, including variations based on the size of the unit
-- On Resource-Cost tooltip, names of resources are now displayed
-- Adjusted the info-graphic tutorials
-- Upgrades are now shown [in brackets] in selected unit tooltips
* This is gameplay patch, so this version is not able to run replays from any previous 0-1-6 build.