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All the 1-D cellular automata

Lua Carousel
A downloadable freewheeling app for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Here's every possible rule for a one-dimensional (neighborhood-1) cellular automaton. All on a single infinite surface you can pan and zoom around on your touchscreen device. In 100 lines.

T = 100  -- number of time steps to simulate for each rule
Data = {}
function initial_row()  -- same for all rules
  local result = {}
  for _=1,T do table.insert(result, false) end
  table.insert(result, true)
  for _=1,T do table.insert(result, false) end
  return result
function step_rule(rule, arr)
  local result = {}
  table.insert(result, false)  -- border is fixed
  for i=2,#arr-1 do
    local r = bits_to_int(arr, i)
    table.insert(result, lookup_rule(rule, r))
  table.insert(result, false)
  return result
-- take an array of 3 bits, and turn it into a number
function bits_to_int(arr, idx)
  local r = arr[idx-1] and 1 or 0
  r = r*2 + (arr[idx] and 1 or 0)
  r = r*2 + (arr[idx+1] and 1 or 0)
  return r
function lookup_rule(rule, r)
  for _=1,r do rule = floor(rule/2) end
  return, 1) == 1
for rule=0,255 do
  Data[rule+1] = {}
  local arr = initial_row()
  table.insert(Data[rule+1], arr)
  for i=1,T do
    arr = step_rule(rule, arr)
    table.insert(Data[rule+1], arr)
function car.draw()
  local side = 8
  for y=0,15 do
    for x=0,15 do
      draw_rule(y*16+x, x*T*2*(side+1), y*T*(side+1), side)
    end end
  color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
  for _,touch in ipairs(touches()) do
    if curr[touch] then
      circle('fill', curr[touch].x, curr[touch].y, 10)
    end end
function draw_rule(rule, left,top, square_side)
  if not Data[rule+1] then return end
  if vx(left) > Safe_width then return end
  if vx(left+(2*T+1)*square_side) < 0 then return end
  if vy(top) > Safe_height then return end
  if vy(top+T*square_side) < 0 then return end
  color(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
  for y=1,#Data[rule+1] do
    for x,cell in ipairs(Data[rule+1][y]) do
      if cell then
        rect('fill', vx(left+(x-1)*square_side), vy(top+(y-1)*square_side), scale(square_side-1), scale(square_side-1))
      end end end
  color(0,0,1, 0.3)
  g.print(rule, vx(left),vy(top), --[[rotate]] 0, --[[scale]] 1.5)
-- pan/zoom surface
v ={x=0, y=0, w=Safe_width, h=Safe_height, zoom=1.0}
f,s = nil  -- ids of first and second touches
start, curr = {}, {}  -- coords of touches
initzoom = nil
initpos = nil -- for panning
function car.touchpressed(id, x,y, ...)
  if f == nil then
    f = id
    initpos = {x=v.x, y=v.y}
    s = id
    initzoom = v.zoom
  start[id] = {x=x, y=y}
  curr[id] = {x=x, y=y}
function car.touchreleased(id, x,y, ...)
  f,s = nil
  start, curr = {}, {}
  initzoom = nil
  initpos = nil
function car.touchmoved(id, x,y, ...)
  if start[id] then
    curr[id] = {x=x, y=y}
    if s then
      local oldzoom = v.zoom
      v.zoom = dist(curr[f], curr[s])/dist(start[f], start[s])*initzoom
      adjust_viewport(oldzoom, v.zoom)
    elseif f then
      v.x = initpos.x + iscale(start[f].x - x)
      v.y = initpos.y + iscale(start[f].y - y)
    end end end
function adjust_viewport(oldzoom, zoom)
  -- ensure centroid of fingers remains in view
  local c = centroid(curr[f], curr[s])
  v.x = v.x + c.x/oldzoom - c.x/zoom
  v.y = v.y + c.y/oldzoom - c.y/zoom
function centroid(a, b)
  return{x=(a.x+b.x)/2, y=(a.y+b.y)/2}
function vx(sx) return scale(sx-v.x) end
function vy(sy) return scale(sy-v.y) end
function scale(d) return d*v.zoom end
function iscale(d) return d/v.zoom end
function dist(p1, p2)
  return ((p2.x-p1.x)^2 + (p2.y-p1.y)^2) ^ 0.5

If you try pasting this program into Lua Carousel, remember to first run the abbreviations on one of the example screens. Or if you've deleted that screen, here are the abbreviations I used in this post:

g =
rect, circle = g.rectangle,
color = g.setColor
min, max, floor = math.min, math.max, math.floor
touches = love.touch.getTouches
touch = love.touch.getPosition


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