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Destruction Room 1.0

Desctruction Room
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello! After a long time since the last version of Destruction Room, we have reached what we feel is the release version, 1.0. Along with the game update, we leave you a warm farewell at the end of the blog.

So, we hope you enjoy the last update of Destruction Room! Here is the list of changes and fixed issues:

What's new

● Fragile objects can now break if they fall at a certain speed or height. They can also break if they collide with another fragile object at a certain speed.

● New visual aspect for some areas of the game to improve immersion.

● New particle system for some objects and props.

● The tips menu now contains text and images.

● New breakable objects: Floor lamp, gamer room table and bathroom sandal (an excellent projectile).

● You can now grab more objects: Dishes, glasses, game controller, monitor, keyboard, mouse, wheelchair, night lamp and plant.

● Objects now emit a sound when they come into contact with collisions with other objects (weapons and fragile objects).

● The three mini-games have been improved with new sound effects and new visual elements.

● We have changed the way to access one of the mini-games to make it more intuitive (and fun).

● We have added a beep to warn you that your game is over.

● We have put trees outside the facilities because we like trees.

● All texts have been translated into English.

Fixed bugs

● We have balanced all weapons so that they can destroy naturally.

● We have repositioned the attach point of some objects to make it more natural to use them: Bat, broom, sandal and axe.

● A canvas will appear over the camera if the player tries to go through the walls.

● Some objects can pass through the walls of the rooms. To prevent it from falling to infinity and to prevent the game from calculating its position, thus generating more resources for the computer, colliders will destroy the object.

● Change in the sound effect of the toilet for a less annoying one (this was very important for us).

This version will be the last of the project and it is likely that we will not dedicate more support to it, since along the way new projects have arisen to which we will dedicate our time and passion. Although we have been learning as we go along, we have dedicated a lot of time and effort to fix and improve the experience of this game.

And that’s it, we finished the development of Destruction Room. With it, and with much sadness in our hearts, we also say goodbye to Pizza Dealers as a studio.

This studio was created for the development of this game as a final project of our videogame development classes. Not everyone will continue on the same path of game development, but others will, working on other games under the umbrella of another studio.

So, even if Pizza Dealers is left with only one game, from its ashes other studios will be born that will release other videogames, all made with a lot of love and passion, just like Destruction Room.

That’s all, folks! We hope that our first passion project will make you smile.

Stay hydrated.

Pizza Dealers.


  • 78 MB
    76 days ago
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