is community of indie game creators and players


Week 5 - Rising from the Shadows

Printing Party
A downloadable game for Windows


We put to words a great bible to which the art department will follow to the letter. A lot of playing around with designs and lay-outs and we might have found the best lay-out in the history of lay-outs.

P.S. we overexaggerated on that last one a bit.


A final stance has been set on every design decision made moving forward. From the smallest compression setting to the biggest reverb plugin. Every little thing has been tested. Plugins have been discarded and custom scripts have been discussed. A sound asset list has been made and actual sound design work has been patiently waited on.


Factory Competition: Implemented competition between two factories where players can produce goods and sabotage each other. Light sabotage causes minor disruptions, while heavier sabotage can temporarily disable machines.

Competitive Gameplay: Players can now compete against each other to produce more goods and launch effective sabotage attacks. No cooldowns for sabotage actions yet, allowing for rapid testing.

Improved Environment: Adjusted camera angle and refined factory layout for better immersion and understanding of the game environment.

Next Steps:

Refine balance between production and sabotage.

Introduce cooldown mechanics for sabotage actions.

Continuously iterate on player experience and gameplay mechanics.

And officially start production!


  • 26 MB
    72 days ago
Download Printing Party