Beta Version 0.1.1 is Out Now! (It's Also Public)
Hello, this is a new beta to address some issues people were encountering primarily, but there are some interesting new additions too! I hope everyone's been enjoying the beta versions and will continue to enjoy them in the future!
- Added Captions for the following:
- Added indicators to show when item slots are locked. For now, this is only seen in the Grapple challenge.
- NOTE: Locked item slots cannot have contents added to them and cannot have their contents altered/removed.
- Stunly no longer makes his chasing noise and plays his chasing animation if he loses the player after reaching the last place he saw the player.
- Changes for the 99 - The Enkoded secret:
- The Enkoded is now much faster when walking up to the player.
- The camera now automatically rotates to face The Enkoded when you walk up to him.
- There is now black fog that fades in and out while in the secret room.
- The Enkoded's secret now loads in when you teleport to it with the Broken Teleporter as opposed to always being active, this should help improve performance.
- There are now invisible walls to help guide the player in The Enkoded's secret.
- The Enkoded now spawns clones of himself that copy exactly what he does when his voice turns glitchy.
- As seen above, The Enkoded's secret now has captions.
- Removed Playtime and Stunly from the Grapple challenge.
- The splash screen background now uses a cyan color.
- Altered the text in the Warning to reflect the mod.
- Fixed the "Scissors & Sadness" achievement not unlocking.
- Fixed going outside the entrances getting you stuck when you attempted to re-enter the schoolhouse.
- Fixed resetting the achievements sometimes not properly resetting the text that tells you if you've earned them.
- Fixed certain UI elements not being properly pivoted.
- Fixed the play menu slightly.