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Plan for Version 1.5.0

Bound By Fate
A browser game made in HTML5

Hey there,

after releasing 1.4.0 I notice very little traffic on the game...

yay -.- but oh well, it's not like I am doing much marketing :P

I should do that some more...but I don' wanna T_T

I am still updating BBF and the shape is getting more and more into what I want this to be for a starting level :)

Version 1.5 will be based around adventurer retirement and logging for the player to review what exactly happened.

These changes should help the player to get the feeling of managing an adventurer guild with coming and going adventurers.

Keeping the equipment would mean that the player inventory gets much stronger with every mission and the loss of an adventurer is hardly an issue if the equipment can just be transferred.

This will change with 1.5 into a more fire and forget style equipment system.

The Player should increase the power of characters they think contribute to their advancement and not to their power.

Maybe I will take the equipment part away from the player later and only have them buy equipment that gets distributed automatically.

Here is my plan for 1.5.0 so far:

With these changes, most of the ground work should be done for the game to function.

I want to focus on UI and balancing starting 1.6.

Though the balancing is a major issue I think, the actual gameplay needs to be done in order to even start on that.

I tweaked little to no values on the adventurers, enemies and items yet, so this might be a bigger task than one or two versions.

Maybe I can categorize the balance changes in a few separate updates.

Excel will hopefully help a bit with this, but I don't know if I have the motivation to transfer every value I have in the game manually into the sheet -.-

I guess an exporter would be helpful...we'll see ^^

Until then play the game :D and have some fun!



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