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Gameplay Feedback

Defender's Squad: The Last Ride
A browser game made in HTML5

Some weeks ago we showcased the game for some gamers and we received valuable feedbacks, mostly about the gameplay.

So, we want to give a special thanks to the players Francisco, Mr. Anderson, Renan and Fran for spending some time playing the prototype.

Since that day we've been searching and studying improvements for the game related to this topics:

  • HUD
  • Menu, buttons, settings ... 
  • Different Ships
  • Power Ups
  • Medals
  • Pattern of the enemies' path

HUD: The info about the shield, powerups, and special shooting were not good enough to the players read. So, we started refactoring and made changes.


- Shields: In the prototype the player didn't know how many time they had to use the shield. So we added a bar to show the time left of the shield. Also,  when the shield was hit it didn't change the color so made some changes to inform the player about collisions. So, we created a new shield scene with more glow and bring a better feedback to the user.

- Bullets and shooting: All bullets in the beginner didn't have Trails or any kind of glow, and because of that we noticed that some players was hit, but they even didn't noticed the path of the bullet. So, we improved, and now all bullets have trails to make easier to track. Also we tried to create beautiful bullets with glows.

- Special Shooting: We created one more option of special and improved the previous one.

- Medals: we wanted to encouraged the player to kill all the enemies, so we decided to add medals on the game. A few enemies can drop medals after had been destroyed. We have two different scores depending on the medals: 300 points and other one with 150 points.

- Ships: One of the feedbacks was to give the option to select a different ship before start playing. So, after thinking we decided to add 2 more ships on the game. Now during the game mode the player can select which ship they want:

  • Rogue: Major Finn
  • Bomber: Captain Bob
  • Support: (Coming Soon)

That's why we created a new special:

  • Squad help
  • Big Laser

- The first boss: The beeper. it is based on the bee. This character will be dangerous and also will shoot multiples bullets.

So, that's what we've been working on. Stay tuned for new updates.

Thank you for visiting our devlog! Follow the Defender's Squad: The Last Ride on Twitter and on our Page.

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