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v0.1.X Changelog Archive

Monster Girl Uprising
A downloadable game

For the sake of keeping the main page from getting too cluttered on the main page, all changelogs not from the current major version will henceforth be migrated to posts like this.

v0.1.5.2 - Yet another hotfix. This time chapter 2 was broken from my changes, so I fixed it. 

v0.1.5.1 - Another quick lunatic fix, there were no double attacks because SRPG Studio is weird and doesn't have it on by default. And, since I already had it ready, I updated Maia's portrait for relative portrait size reasons and to fix the misalignment of her wings.

 v0.1.5 - Fixes lunatic missing triggers. Various backend optimizations to make my life easier. Changes Sylvie's silver lance to a silver sword to avoid overlap with the ch 3 silver lance, slightly buffed Lily's HP to allow her to tank hits with paper defenses better and make better use of Energy Drain. We'll probably see more tweaks to her as she has more actual game time and not just the one sidequest. Finally, in lieu of a full overhaul for the time being, I've updated ch. 2 so it's less frustrating, adding bones in front of inhabited temples (and some dialogue to point them out), making temple inhabitants come out at start of next player phase,  and removing forests between temples so travel is faster. Hopefully that should make it less grindy and make splitting the party more viable. 

v0.1.4.1 - Fixes missing trigger in ch. 5 causing pirates to not appear and a messed up trigger causing Liam to not appear. v0.1.4 - I seem to be the world's most stupid man and accidentally hit cancel instead of save on the growth rate fix. This also fixes a bug with the ch. 5 visit event that allowed it to be infinitely revisited, and incorrectly not requiring Maia to be physically present. Lily has also been re-squishened, I forgot about the HP steal tome she gets and that would make her near-immortal. She'll be squishy until you can get reliable HP steal tomes later. I also realized it's possible for Lily to run out of dark magic and be relegated to her personal magic, so Amy now sells the first rank of dark magic starting in chapter 6. Finally,  I received this bug report whilst I was in the middle of redoing Maia and Elise's art, and Elise's art was finished, so Elise now has muscles to match her dialogue. v0.1.3.6 - Fixes a very stupid error causing the growth rate fix to only apply to v1.3.x saves onwards .

v0.1.3.5 - Quick hotfix to add a missed trigger in Violet's Apology preventing an important conversation from being played. Loading a pre-1.3 save will automatically set it if you're at the base. Also has various spelling and grammar fixes. 

v0.1.3 - Balance changes, the de-squishenning. Most enemy units have changed from steel weapons to iron, which should prevent the whole "dying in two hits from anything" situation. Additionally, enemy skill has been greatly reduced and most player units have received massive (30-40) luck buffs, which should help prevent random 1-2% crit chances from enemies, which is frustrating on harder modes and permadeath modes. I initially thought luck played a roll in critical attack and not just defense, so I cranked it down for most units. This has been rectified. Most player units have received +15 to the growths of their defensive stats. Exceptions are Maia, Sylvie, Steph, and Emily - Maia had good defenses already, Sylvie had decent defenses so she only got +5, and Steph and Emily performed well in their roles as res/def tanks respectively, so they only got buffs to their lower defensive stat. I'm going to be watching this situation going forward, and will adjust it as needed. Violet has received massive buffs to make her more viable, getting a whopping +60 to skill growth and +40 to speed growth, and a more modest +10 to str, as well as a vantage-like skill. She'll still be really squishy, but now she should hit/double almost every time and have quite the crit rate to boot. It'll still be somewhat risky to put her in the way of enemies, but the potential reward is a lot higher. I may have overcorrected, though, I'll have to see how she plays outside of my test environment. To emulate these stat changes, I have added an event in the ch. 6 base conversation menu (so it's only one-time use) that adds growths and the expected additional gains you would get from them if you leveled to 10, but it's not perfect, and this is probably the only time I can actually add stats instead of just adding growths, because as the game gets larger people's level variance will get bigger. Note that this event is only accessible if you have not played from the beginning on this patch, so you can't use it to get super units. Added several scripts and removed a script causing attacks to not default to closest enemy (which was a side-effect of showing a weapon's full range). Added scripts hide 0 avoid in the terrain window, makes enemies prefer to use ranged attacks if it would avoid a counter (as you would expect), and makes bonus exp levels give you normal stat ups instead of 3 random stats. Also some skill plugins, but those aren't currently used, they're for the future.

Finally, for those that liked the old enemy design, it's been preserved in the form of lunatic difficulty. Eventually lunatic will have extra skills on enemies (though I might make that lunatic+?), but for now it should let you play however you want.

v0.1.2 - Fixed an issue causing ch 3 to potentially become impossible if you lose Violet and whoever carries the key. Added an easy difficulty with increased EXP and lower enemy stats, slightly reduced hard's base EXP to account for more enemies. Added an event in "Info" in the base to allow players to toggle between human and monster girl forms for character portraits (cosmetic only). Additionally added an event under "Info" in the base to fix any erased units from pre-0.1.1 saves. 

v0.1.1 - Mostly bugfixes. Fixed a critical bug causing escape events to erase characters, fixed a small issue with dialogue in ch. 1, fixed Elise's in-battle sprite somehow being double layered with the default sprite, added a quick SRPG Studio controls primer.

v0.1.0 - Initial release.

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