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Fate/Last Chance v1.1

Fate/Last Chance
A downloadable Fate series TTRPG

Thanks for the great reception to Fate/Last Chance's launch! This game has been a passion project of mine for around a year, slowly working from what started as an existing system hack into something completely new, and I'm so glad others out there can get the same joy from games in this system that my friends and I have.

Predictably, release highlighted a few issues that I've corrected in this update:

1. The role of Skills was unclear. I've updated the text to reflect that Skills are not the only things player characters can do, but things they can do exceptionally well.
2. The relationship between narrative and mechanics, especially regarding Noble Phantasms, wasn't emphasized enough. I've written additional text to hopefully hammer home this game's narrative-first philosophy and encourage Masters, Servants, and Overseers to get creative and think about the story before the numbers.
3. The Break Board's visuals didn't led enough clarity to its elements. I've adjusted its design, included an example player Break Board in the rules text to contextualize its explanation, and updated the standalone Break Board PDF to include dedicated Break Boards for challenges against adversaries with 1, 2, and 3 Breaks.

I'd like to give special thanks to the Beast's Lair forum Create-a-Servant community, especially Pinetree, whose diligent reading and feedback made this update happen.

In the future, whether or not there are more updates to Fate/Last Chance, I'm planning to release a non-Fate framework system using these dice mechanics and the Break Board. Fate isn't the first setting these rules cut their teeth in -- honestly, just about the only things that are truly Fate are the specific Parameters, Command Spells as the reroll system, and the Master-Servant Bond Bonus, which can all be genericized with ease. Look forward to "Last Chance," or maybe I'll give it a better name, someday, hopefully with some fun rules/guidelines for designing your own primary stat set and such to make it a truly versatile framework for all sorts of stories.

Please continue to give me your feedback and ask any questions you might have, and enjoy both Fate/Last Chance and Blades of Ether! ... and Nathans For You, too, I guess.

P.S.: Forgot to hit publish on this before the next version. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  • fatelastchance.pdf 2 MB
    87 days ago
  • breakboard.pdf 1 MB
    87 days ago
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