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March 2024! Skill system, UI enhancements and more!

Realms & Ruins: Abencor
A downloadable game

Big updates this month!

Skill System Milestone: The skill system is a major milestone for Realms & Ruins. I've successfully completed the UI elements and code for granting skills to the skill menu and adding granted skills to the skill bar. Now, the focus is on creating multiple unique skills for each attribute—Strength, Dexterity, and Magic. Exciting times, and I'm eager to see these skills in action!

Engine Update: The game engine I'm developing in has undergone a substantial update, adding new features and addressing longstanding issues in Realms & Ruins. Extensive playtesting has been underway to ensure a smoother gaming experience. So far, everything is looking promising, and I'm grateful for the improvements. 

Region Development: I've been hard at work enhancing the Mandora region, introducing shops, quests, new items and the port. This port also connects several ocean zones (to go with the sailing update last month!) to allow alternate traversal between Mandora, Culceth and other later parts of the game. Once Mandora reaches a "gold" state, I'll shift my attention to finalizing Culceth. I've been mentioning this basically every month, but I'm truly closing in on completion. I will need to refactor some code due to new features in the engine update and do testing as well which is taking extra time.

On-Hit Animations: Combat is becoming more visually engaging with the implementation of on-hit animations for all 30+ monsters in the game. Expect enhanced visual feedback during combat encounters, bringing battles to life.

UI Adjustments: I've streamlined the UI to look a bit sleeker and less clunky. The purpose of this is to save screen real estate while giving the UI a cleaner look.

Documentation: I've spent some time doing some documentation not only for posterity, but to help me reference things quicker. As the game grows, I have more and more to sift through when making changes and tweaks. I'm documenting things from items and equipment, global variables and functions.

That's it for this round! As always, happy adventuring and look forward next more for another update!

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