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Endless Adventure Update 1.1.0

Endless Adventure
A downloadable game for Windows

Update 1.1.0 Quality of Life

Update 1.1.0 is out


1. Edit the balance

Reduced the health of the Illuminati boss from 1000 to 430

Reduced the health of the Shark boss from 2000 to 890

2. New content

A treasure trove location has been added. The level 13 portal will take you to the treasury.

There are 2 power-ups in the treasury (at the moment). After selecting one

gain, the second one disappears.

2 new power-ups have been added. Spontaneous reinforcements

3. When the f7 key is pressed, the rate of fire, speed and position of the player will be displayed in the upper left corner

4. An account has been added. So far, it is given for killing bosses and nothing can be done with it (yet)


  • 6 MB
    Dec 24, 2023
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