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Yonder Girl - Jam Update 01 - Turbo System

Yonder Girl
A browser game made in HTML5

Time for a quick Jam Update!

Up until now, I used a very basic movement scheme: press a direction, move in that direction with a small inertia, press a button, jump.
The only tweak I implemented was the longer one would hld the jump button, the higher would the Princess jump. Although it is an interesting mechanic to use in platformers, it didn't felt quite right as it would make the character more floaty than agile.

After playing a little bit the original Adventure Island (btw I prefer Adventure Island on the NES to Wnderboy on the Master System regarding the controls) I analyzed the movement scheme a bit deeper.

And that movement scheme is very similar if not identical to the legendary Mario.
I never did that kind of contrls before, so I took a few hours to remanufacture the whole movement mechanic.

The jump button still jumps, but the height is now always the same.
There is, however a "turbo" button. When this one is pressed, Princess will jump higher. That turbo button functions with a holding input system, so it also works when she is moving.
Pressing Turbo while moving will make her go faster, and if the button is released, she will slow down to her regular walking speed.
One single press on the Turbo button will also trigger the projectile attack, the exact same way it does in Adventure Island and Mario.

And one final polish touch, when Turbo is pressed, the AnimatedSprite2D node will play animations 1.5 times faster and will go back to normal animation play speed when relesead.

Very cool stuff!

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