Posted February 25, 2019 by zalphor
#TitleScreen #UI #Explosions #Particles #Dismemberment
Version 2:
Title screens, UI, and camera changes.
-- Added a title screen, you now have the option to turn tail and quit, or start the game when your ready for battle.
-- UI changes,The players health is finally displayed, no more guessing your shots based on your points or arcs.
-- The old camera system gave that feel of an old dos artillery style game, but alas, i have moved on. The new camera splits the screen, first player on the left, second player on the right. Now you can finally get into the action right in with the warring deathbots.
In this version, i brought forward a small change that already exsisted but wasnt fully implemented the first time through.
-- Dismemberment, Players can now shoot the arms off each other to prevent their opponents from firing back. Want to take the low road? go ahead, shoot off their tracks. Players without tracks cant make inroads on your defenses if they cant drive.
Because whats the fun in looking at ugly mat trails all day.
-- Particles and trails, Ive updated the trails so they no longer look flat and obnoxious. Trails are now shorter and more transparent so you dont fill the screen with arcs. With the most recent inclusion of particles you can tell when your hit was direct, an explosion will appear where the shell hit the enemy or the obstacles.
Now thats a challenge!...
-- Explosions, Because what is an artillery game without explosions? a sniping match with really slow bullets?? Explosions now damage your opponents when you land a shell near by, they can damage anything in the path of the explosion but cant help if your not at least close.