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Chapter 4 WIP (update #8)

2 Sides
A downloadable visual novel for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

25 of the 225 images are complete for her side. There were not a lot of images rendered this week due to a dental problem.

 I had a part of a molar chip off, and while this was not painful, it was more of an inconvenience, so off to the dentist I go. A little bit of grinding, filling, and paying later, no more sharp edges rubbing on my tongue, and BadMustard was happy again. Two days later, the work on the tooth seemed to have irritated the nerve inside the tooth to the point that it did not want to be there any more. There was so much pain and swelling around the tooth that I could not even sleep, and of course I was back in the dentist chair again. The swelling was pushing the tooth up, so I could not even close my mouth properly (eating was out of the question). The dentist reshaped the tooth a little so I could close my mouth and prescribed some anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and, more importantly, painkillers. Finally, this morning, the swelling in my jaw is gone; there is only minor pain where the swelling was, and my constant headache has finally subsided.

 I will only be eating soft foods for a while (not taking any chances), and I will start rendering some images this evening after work. So this is only a minor setback, but I'm back on track, and I should be making some progress in rendering tonight.

stay safe out there.


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