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Shifting Stars and Cold Winds

Missions in Maitavale
A downloadable campaign

Fenestra (the world of the BIND RPG) adjusts in real-time. When it’s March here, Fenestra experiences ‘Alassea’ - cold seas, with a long eclipse at its zenith.

The pdf automatically adjusts, placing the story with the giant arachnids later on, because right now, those arachnids are hibernating. The stories come later, so that anyone printing it out, can start their campaign in the right order, without having to manually adjust anything.

The Judge’s shield has also adjusted, so the encounter charts won’t show any arachnids, nor basilisks (who are also, currently, hibernating):

I’ve turned off all the notifications I can find when a new version of the book is available, so hopefully you won’t receive any future ‘bings’. But the books will continue to update, each month, with stories and encounters which fit Fenestra’s current season.

As usual, the books will only work in print, so if you’d like to see what’s happening in the current season, take the book to your local, friendly, print-shop, and print off a cheap copy (double-sided, with a spine).

Download Missions in Maitavale
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