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My new GAME! - Fall Into Galaxy

Fall Into Galaxy
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

So yeah, I made my first-ever game on the computer! I just downloaded Unity and I started to make something I made a character then I made him move by keys W, S, A, D, and SPACEBAR to make him jump I was really happy with what I made but I wanted more. I started playing with teleporting/repositioning objects and I thought of a parkour game when you fall you will start from the beginning I added some sounds and a skybox but then I changed the game! I made it space/galaxy themed and so you will escape the galaxy it's kinda scary when you look down I know I know it's just a game but still... I was very happy with what I made for just 2 hours so I uploaded it here on so I can get some feedback and just some players to play my game! I don't think the game will be boom extremely popular but who knows? It's just a small game but I hope someone will at least try it and leave some feedback...


  • Fall Into Galaxy -The Game 44 MB
    90 days ago
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