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Public Version

A World Adrift (Cancelled)
A downloadable game for Windows

Here is the public release of the Vixsya update!

Changelog since last public release:


Vixsya has been added! Vixsya is our first named/unique character to be implemented, and now she is available in the public version! This is the first conversation/encounter with her, expect to see more of her down the line(and of course ways to ...not...). As of this update, her conversations is roughly 2700+ words and the design document for it is about nine pages long.

Expect to be able to learn a more about the immediate setting of the Forest, its inhabitants, and a bit about the regions outside of it as well from the conversation with her. 

Dialogue System

  • implemented it.
  • dialogueConversations are now loaded from files
  • some tweaks to how dialogueConversations and dialogueOptions are implemented, they weren't quite functioning in practice the way I intended.
  • dialogue functionality is now accessible in a fully working state in-game.(being able to start combat from it, for example)
  • created "dialogueStats", which is basically eventStats but for dialogue. It records: what conversations the player has seen, how many times they've seen them, what they chose to say, and how many times they said it.
  • lots of improvements to how dialogue works in general.
  • Dialogue system now uses the text parser. 
  • dialogueConversations are now loaded as needed as opposed to all of them on game launch.

Events, Encounters

  • Started the Explore/Travel/Events overhaul.
  • general improvement on how events and the options from them are handled internally.
  • You can now choose to travel to a newly discovered region, or instead remain in the current region.
  • You can choose whether or not to take the items found in an item discovery event.
  • Slightly altered the text of the "Grave of Green" event to reflect the ability to NOT take the potion.
  • Combat no longer returns you to the camp, but instead to the region explore menu.
  • exploreEvents activating dialogue are now implemented.
  • can now have "factionDialogue" type events similar to "factionCombat" events that generate a faction member to interact with for a dialogue encounter.
  • remade the "faction_combat_forest_goblin_ilchex_gatherer" event as "faction_dialogue_forest_goblin_ilchex_gatherer", now when encountering tribal goblin gatherers it doesn't have to end in a fight. Some text is still placeholder.
  • eventStats now records how many times the player took an item from the event.
  • reworked how exploreEvents are disabled(think one time events, or discovering a new region). Now it uses the eventStats.
  • updated Ilchex gatherer dialogue event to use the parse upgrades
  • the explore option in the region menu now takes 1 hour of in-game time.

World and Regions

  • current_world vs just referring to world. Not likely much will come of this for now.
  • worlds can have a timeScale assigned to them.
  • regions can now have locations and connectedRegions assigned to them.
  • No longer builds all the events for a region on loading the game, instead only when the region is relevant.

Inventory/Equipment System

  • Reworked how the equipped section works in the code. No real change from this to the end user.
  • Unequiping a weapon now equips the character's race's "natural weapon"(generally, fists). Previously, the weapon slot was set to null, and requests for a character's weapon would check to see if the slot was null and if so return the natural weapon. This doesn't really change how the end user experiences things.


  • The "Description" Section in the PlayerInventory screen no longer exists. You can now see the item's description by mousing over its name.
  • Mousing over the item's name in the equipped section now shows the item's description.
  • Some tweaks to the PlayerInventory screen UI in general.
  • Inventory Screen is no longer opaque, helping visibility of the options.
  • Options Menu is no longer opaque
  • Camp UI now hides itself when inventory or Options menu is open. Main Menu UI hides itself when Options Menu is open.
  • Sex Scene no longer has its own background that is set based off of the current region. Instead the Combat scene UI hides itself, allowing us to use the combat scene background for it.
  • renamed explore option in the camp into "travel"
  • the exploration events from the explore region now pop up their own little window instead of appearing in the region's window.
  • disabled combat scene having its own background, now it uses the region's background(it just set itself to be the same as the region's anyways.). Disabled, not removed. I'd like to preserve the ability to have a different background for battles in the future.

Text "Parser"

  • upgraded the text parser to better handle modifying verbs based on pronouns when multiple actors are part of the parse.

Sex System

  • Every turn during sex passes time by 5 seconds.
  • updated sex action text to work with the parse upgrades

Save/Load System

  • Saving the game no longer records exploreEventsOneOffSeen. Loading a save no longer loads exploreEventsOneOffSeen. Instead, if the save file has it and eventStats has no record of the event, a new entry recording the event as having been seen once is added to eventStats.
  • dialogueStats is saved and loaded.
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