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Various Bug Fixes

Formation Tactics Game
A downloadable game for Windows

mitigated deseelct bug, ai changes for majority shooters army for calcing when fully engaged, change to move to attack for ai, greatly decrease immediate to charge manual charge command range (basically just used fot picking charges, especially for ranged units, at very close ranges),  light horse anarchy charge more non light enemies if at certain advantages, minor deployment changes,  minor unit visibility changes,  knights easier to goad with shooting, bow lancers more likely to charge, fix some manual charge/move while in combat state but not combat issues, stop shooting if enemy outside firing arc fix, flank gaurds slower and never generals, fix to mixed/50% shooter units non shooters running in place, crossbowmen animation fixes, other various minor bug fixes


  • build78.rar 150 MB
    91 days ago
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