is community of indie game creators and players


Devlog Entry #4: A Cry for Help

dev burnout simulator 2024
A browser game made in HTML5

Dear Community,

We are writing to you today with a heavy heart and a sense of desperation that we never thought we'd have to express. The past few weeks have been incredibly challenging for our team as we've grappled with the numerous issues plaguing "Dev Burnout Simulator 2024." We've worked tirelessly to address these problems, but despite our best efforts, it seems like we're constantly fighting an uphill battle.

We understand your frustration. We truly do. We share your disappointment in the state of the game, and we're doing everything in our power to fix it. But the relentless barrage of threats, harassment, and personal attacks directed at our team members is taking its toll. We're just a group of passionate developers who poured our hearts and souls into creating a game we believed in, and now we're being met with hostility at every turn.

We're not asking for your sympathy. We're not asking you to overlook the flaws in the game. All we're asking for is a little understanding, a little compassion, and a little patience. We're human beings, just like you, and we're doing the best we can with the resources and knowledge we have.

So please, if you have feedback, if you have criticism, if you have suggestions for how we can improve "Dev Burnout Simulator 2024," we want to hear them. We value your input more than you know, and we're committed to making this game the best it can possibly be. But we can't do it alone. We need your support, your understanding, and your kindness.

Please, let's work together to make "Dev Burnout Simulator 2024" the game we all want it to be. We can't do it without you.

With hope and gratitude,

The "Dev Burnout Simulator 2024" Development Team

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