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Honor Bound progress report: March 2

Honor Bound [WIP Demo]
A browser game made in HTML5

The first week of this fortnight, I didn’t write much at all: it was a school holiday, and me and the rest of my household were sick (not anything serious, but it knocked us out). But this week I returned to writing afresh to write Honor Bound Chapter 9 and have ended up writing more in one week than I often would in two - or even in a month!

It’s wild how branchy Chapter 9 is - most of the first half is one-on-one or two-on-one scenes that in some places branch seven ways. But the chapter has been proving to be a ton of fun! The first half is unashamedly a hotsprings episode - the reason why I nicknamed this “Project Hotsprings” when I was first talking about it - and so far it’s 31000 words devoted to chilling out, starting slow-burn romances, discussing how serious each others’ romances are, cementing friendships, having some emotional chats, having some jealousy discussions, and soaking up the sun. Plus some nice descriptions of characters in their holidaywear, some of which are more conventionally attractive than others (Fiore, Raffi) and others are basically what they wear normally (Savarel).

After two frantic chapters full of drama it’s a nice change of pace, a calm before the storm that’ll be ramping up again next chapter!

Here are the stats for my local version:

  • Current wordcount: 365313 words
  • Fortnight wordcount: 26717 words
  • Average playthrough: 78903 words

Chapter 5 is going up here on March 5, along with a preview for Chapter 6 on my Patreon. See you then!

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