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the main motivation for this update was to make a proper Metroid-inspired mini-world, instead of a linear series of rooms slapped together in a few hours. now there are around 3x the amount of rooms, they connect in more interesting ways, and there are multiple ways to escape.

other highlights include unlockable abilities, improved player physics, enemies to shoot at, secrets to find, and lots of polish. see the changelog below for more details.




+ new map (see above)
+ added “plus” mode (unlocked by beating the game)
% improved player physics
+ added “jump assist” option (on by default)
% walljump must now be found (instead of starting with it)
+ added another ability to find (it’s a secret)
+ added one-way platforms
+ added enemies
+ added health bar
+ added pills
% improved camera
% emphasized the timer (visuals and audio)
% polished menus (+sfx, -bugs, %etc)
– removed a bunch of bugs
% lots of other polish and additions that I’m not gonna list


this was a lot more work than I anticipated, and that’s the greatest lesson I learned from all this. the sheer number of tiny things that need to be tweaked is staggering, and I guess those details aren’t very important when it comes to a jam game.

for now, we consider this project to be complete, and we have no plans to update it further. two features that didn’t make it are buttons that open doors when shot, and more advanced enemy behaviors. there are also a few bugs/annoyances still left, but whatever.

THANK YOU to my team: loewenmaul (art), iskraaudio (audio), and thycontrolfreak (programming).

and thanks for playing!

— kasdf

Download I Pushed the Self-Destruct Button and the Only Escape Pod Is on the Other Side of the Ship, Now What?
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