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Historical Accuracy and Postmortem

Lee Harvey Oswald
A browser game made in HTML5

I collected a bunch of visual references during the jam. When it comes to JFK's assassination, there  is a huge amount of documents and photography out there, one can draw inspirations from. In terms of accuracy, the artist in me was mostly concentrating on accurately reflecting historic photos.

The Rifle Range Targets

Back in Oswald's days,  Marines were shoooting at Canvas Targets. These targets were operated by personnel standing in a kind of trench, protected by an earth wall. The personnel was making notes on the canvas, which I also took as an inspiration.

Many of these targets were lined up in distante range - each having  roughly the size of a man and showing  certain target shapes.

Here the in-game version.

The Scope

Oswald was using his Post Office Box to order an Italian Carcano rifle with a 4X telescope, made by Ordnance Optics. 

I found a photography of this scope (left), and was using it as a reference  for the crosshairs (right). Thanks to  the fellows in the Jams Discord  channel for asking about this.

From the description in the advertisement I also got the 6-shot limit for the games final chapter.

The faked Selected Service System card

There are many historical documents about this one as well.  I found the photo quality pretty bad, so I re-created the card - leaving out some parts to save space, but taking in enough to keep it authentic and recognisable. As this was an official document, I changed some numbers and texts as well, and accidentially added some typos :-D - just to stay on the save side.

The Workplace

As for the workplace inspiration, there is a photo of Oswalds garage. It looks like a pretty rough and "cold"  place, which I tried to reflect loosly.

The 6th floor window

There is also a photo of the view out of the window in the 6th floor of the Schoolbook Depository (the place where Oswald took the  assassination shots from), which served as an inspiration for the scene in the final chapter of my game.

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