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Cross Realms v0.1.0 - Public Release

Cross Realms
A downloadable Cross Realm for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Greeting everyone! I am DuskDuck.

This is my first ever visual novel release. This game will be based around the concept of Qi Cultivation, which you can find very common among the Chinese fantasy novel - my favorite genre. 

The version 0.1.0 contain the first chapter of the story. It will have a lot of information about the world i am trying to build and many remaining question to be answer in the later chapter. 

Remind you that this is only the first chapter, which mean there are so much more character and world building in coming. Hope you stay tuned for the later chapter too.

The scene created in this game are not only online assets but also my own works, so development time will not be as fast as the other visual novel of the same kind. But if you want to stick around and support the development process, visit my Patreon page.

This chapter contain:

  • 2119 images
  • 15 animations
  • 12 music tracks
  • 20 sound effects
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