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Bat Man Battle

Big Big Trouble in Little Tokyo
A downloadable game for Windows

I just finished implementing DarkBloodbane's Bat Man character in the game! Another user named Danie gave me the idea for the "You're out!" voice from the umpire. ^_^ Thank you both! The game is starting to look a lot more like Earthbound now! My next goal is to implement the Baseball Stadium in the game. I have attached an image from the sprite editing software I use called PixelPlus 256 to show you what it will look like. This is where Nakamura will encounter Bat Man after interfering with his baseball game. I think Nakamura should gain the Baseball Bat item after defeating Bat Man and be able to use it in battle. It should be stronger than just punching with his fists. Bat Man will also be friends with another character named Shovel Man who Nakamura will encounter later.   


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    95 days ago
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