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Car Crash - Devlog #3

Car Crash
A browser game made in HTML5

DevLog #3 - Car Crash 🚗💥

Hello Coders! 👾

It’s been another exciting week in the development of my game, Car Crash, and I’ve got some cool updates to share with you. I’ve been working hard to bring new features to life, and I’m eager to give you a peek at what’s been going on behind the scenes. So buckle up, and let’s dive into the latest developments!

🎮 Main Menu Magic

First things first, I’ve crafted a shiny new main menu screen! It’s the first thing players will see, and it sets the stage for the gaming experience. Starting the game is as simple as selecting the option to load the game scene in Unity. It’s like opening the door to a world of high-speed thrills and spills.

⏸️ Pause and Reflect

Next up, I’ve implemented a pause screen, complete with the ability to freeze the action mid-game. It’s like having a time-stopping superpower at your fingertips! Plus, if you need to make a quick exit back to the main menu, that’s just a click away. This feature was actually an assignment in the course I’m taking, and I’m pretty proud of how it turned out.

⛽ Fuel for Thought

Now, let’s talk about the jerrycans of gas scattered randomly on the road. These little beauties are crucial for keeping your car zooming along. As you drive, your car’s gas level slowly decreases, and picking up a jerrycan gives your tank a much-needed boost. But beware! If you run out of gas, your car will sputter to a stop with a realistic gulping sound, and it’s game over for you, my friend. To keep players informed, I’ve displayed the gas amount in the top left corner of the screen.

🏁 The Race Against Time

I’ve also been working on a game over screen to round out the game cycle, but that’s still a work in progress. In the meantime, I’ve added a distance counter that ticks up as you drive further, and a timer that tracks your playtime in minutes and seconds. It’s a race against time and distance, adding an extra layer of challenge to the game!

🔦 Next Steps: Let There Be Light

Looking ahead, I’m planning to focus on lighting (Since that is the next lesson the course). I want to create the perfect atmosphere for those high-speed chases and dramatic moments. It’s going to be a challenge, but I’m ready to tackle it head-on!

🛣️ Onward and Upward

That’s all for this update, but stay tuned for more. I’m committed to finishing Car Crash, and I can’t wait to share the next set of features with you. Until then, keep gaming and dreaming big!

Happy coding! 🚀

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