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Sprite Sheets Update

Cobra Robot 4k Character Asset
A downloadable asset pack

[02/24/2024] Updated Sprite sheets to use same size images for all animations

Improvement identified:

  • The old sprite sheets caused the animations to wobble in some game engines. This happened due to each sprite sheet, that represents an animation, has different sizes for it’s frame, according to the space used by the animation. In other words, all the frames from attacking animation had the same size, but it’s different from the site of the frames from the idle animation.


  • Removed the space optimization from the exported sprite sheets and now all the animations has the same frame sizes, not causing the animations to wobble anymore and turning even more easier to import in any engine.

Note: The Unreal Engine is not affected by this wobble effect, so it remains unchanged.


  • 35 MB
    Feb 24, 2024
Download Cobra Robot 4k Character Asset
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