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I Fell In Love With A Fantasy Farmer Just Released

Hey everyone!

We are thrilled to announce that our latest labor of love, "I Fell In Love With A Fantasy Farmer," is now available for you to play on! This game has been a journey of passion, creativity, and a lot of late nights, and we couldn't be more excited to share it with you.

"I Fell In Love With A Fantasy Farmer" invites you to dive into a world where love blooms as richly as the crops in the field. Set in the enchanting countryside, you'll embark on a heartfelt adventure to build a life alongside your dream farmer. Whether you're tending to your garden, caring for your animals, or sharing cozy moments by the fireplace, every action weaves into the tapestry of a love story uniquely yours.

This game is more than just a farming simulator; it's an exploration of connections, both with the land and the characters you meet. With each season, new challenges and opportunities arise, mirroring the growth of your relationships and the farm you call home.

What makes "I Fell In Love With A Fantasy Farmer" stand out is its blend of engaging gameplay, beautiful art, and a story that captures the essence of romance and rural life. We've poured our hearts into creating an experience that feels genuine, touching, and sometimes a little humorous, because love isn't just about the big moments; it's found in the small, everyday gestures.

To our amazing community, thank you for your support and encouragement throughout this development journey. Your excitement and feedback have been invaluable, pushing us to make "I Fell In Love With A Fantasy Farmer" the best it can be. We hope this game finds a special place in your hearts and brings you as much joy as it has brought us in creating it.

So, don your farmer's hat, grab your tools, and let's get farming! We can't wait to see the stories you'll cultivate in "I Fell In Love With A Fantasy Farmer." Check it out now on and start your own farming love story today.

Happy farming and even happier romancing!


Mew Games


  • 162 MB
    Feb 23, 2024
  • Fantasy Farmer 195 kB
    Feb 23, 2024
  • Fantasy Farmer OST 17 MB
    Feb 23, 2024
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