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bug quest v2.0

bug quest
A browser game made in HTML5

BIG NEWS!!! bug quest is now COMPLETE!! YIPPIE!!


  • BUTTERFLY ENDING! the last major ending has been added! this one is hidden a little more than the other ones, so keep your eyes peeled!
  • ANOTHER SECRET ENDING! this one is associated with the butterfly ending and has three variants. with these endings added, there are now 13 endings in the game (if you include all the variants in the count)!
  • MEET THE BEE QUEEN! while the bees are sleeping, you can sneak into the queen's room and talk to her! i wonder what she has to say?
  • HINT BUG!: having trouble finding the secret endings? a know-it-all bug has been spotted in the DANGER ZONE during the night hours! he's a little out of the way though in previously unexplored territory, so good luck finding him!
  • NEW AREAS: along with the bee queen room and the previously mentioned new danger room, there is also a new rainy nighttime room to the south! 


  • the CRIME ENDING trigger is a static sprite now, meaning it won't disappear if you don't meet the requirements. you can still lock yourself out of the ending if you don't meet the prereqs though, so watch out!
  • spider zone screen transitions have been removed. i got sick of the music stopping while going back and forth.
  • removed the snail's shell when you see them at the party. i think it would have been funny to leave it but i DID intend to take it off, i just forgot...
  • new npcs in old areas
  • some colour palette changes to add more colours in select areas
  • various dialogue clean ups to make room transitions smoother


  • add: a bonus ending that will require you to travel to every quadrant of BUG WORLD
  • add: a new zone or two!
  • add: "debug" mode for impatient people like me who hate talking to spiders and/or eating moss
  • add: spider zone shortcuts
  • fix: you can walk on the water in the southern rainy zone area, bypassing the need for the butterfly powerup to reach the far area. this was not intentional. i'll fix it soon

the game now includes everything i intended to add back in 2018 plus tons of extras. i think thats Awesome. 

thanks for playing!!


  • bug_quest (v2.0 COMPLETE).html 630 kB
    Feb 23, 2024
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