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Finished Bogwood coming!

Bound for the Bogwood
A downloadable ttrpg module

Hello all,

I have some Bogwood updates for you!

Tens of new followers

This week, I noticed a recent uptick in downloads of Bound for the Bogwood and in my follower count. Welcome, and thank you for your interest! I followed the trail to the YouTube account of RedMageGM, who out of the blue posted a video highlighting Bound for the Bogwood, as well as two other WIP projects. Thank you so much, RM, I appreciate the encouragement and support!

Funnily enough, the video coincided with my picking this adventure back up—only a week earlier, I started working on this again, as I’ve been itching to finish it. I will be running a final playtest with some friends in a week, after which I’ll make any final content changes before trying to get it finished.


I’ve considerably edited the bulk of the text and added some content, mostly to make things clearer. I’ve also totally revamped the layout. I’ve attached a couple screenshots to this post.

I’m also working on all the illustrations, but those will almost certainly be the last thing to be included. Once that’s done, I’m going to try to get it printed and sell it. I may also look into an indie publishing house, but I’m not sure whether that’s feasible. If anyone has any leads there, let me know!


As for when this all happens… hard to say exactly. I’m hoping to finish the text body of the adventure in the next 7 days (by 3/28). Then I’d like to finish the layout by that weekend (3/3), when I’ll playtest it for the last time. Finally, it will need drawings. I’ve started sketching those, but I don’t want to do the inking until I’ve decided the layout and I know where and how they will fit on the page. That will almost certainly take 2-3 weeks, knowing me. So publishable by mid or late March, hopefully! I’m having lots of fun working on this, but I can’t wait to just be done.


If any of you have any feedback for me, big or small, I would love to hear it! This is my first real module, and I’m learning a lot. Suffice to say, I’m making mistakes, and there are certainly things this adventure is missing. If you have any thoughts, please drop a comment!

Best, Maxim

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