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SOULCOOM™ 0.6.14

SOULCOOM™ : Developer Edition
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

We have opened up the Story main menu option and added Dialogue instances where you can test out the scenes we are currently working on.I have spent most of this month outlining and writing a draft of our game's story. I've found that the best way to tell our Corruption vs Purity story within our medium is through Acts (Act 1, 2, 3...) that we can release chronologically as the finer details of the story and character cast develop. Act 1 is now entering the prototype phase. Please take a look at one of the stages from Act 1 above. Act 1 is the crisis event aboard the Cambrium-Star, an aerial-treant vessel under the Northern Fae Consortium Fleet. Your ship is ambushed by "Dark Fae" Beetle riders. (subject to change).

We will be world building and story telling within the tradtional hero's journey format; a Call to Adventure, crossing the threshold, trials, allies, boon, etc. Here's a preview, if you like what you see and hear then I encourage you to check out our Patreon.


—1 Stranding Event (to propel Corruption vs Purity plot)

— 2 Major Societal/Political Factions

— 3 Major Locations

— 2 Sub-faction North vs South idealists (Fundamentalists)

— 2 Opposing Alliances

1 Lost Magic (XXX Magic Powers)
    + The Tide
            — In modern Fae culture, the Tide is recounted with knowing grins. It's both an innuendo for fantastical sex and a meme from a salacious yet amusing lost gospel. In old-world Fae mythology, the Tide is described as the residual phenomena of creation that thrusts "in and out" of the living, its profundity softened by time. Despite widespread titillation and skepticism, there are quasi-spirtual cults who devoutly venerate the Tide, treating it as an enduring and active force.

(Subject to change)

I'm designing the costumes and stages for these locations and factions now.

The thing about storytelling is, there needs to be a bit of a gut-punch element, a surprise. Going forward I am going to be a lot more vague about the story to avoid any kind of spoilers as we roll out these Acts into Q2.

For a more detailed update please visit our Patreon:

Thanks for the visit,


  • 33 MB
    Version 0.6.14
  • 30 MB
    Version 0.6.14
  • SOULCOOM_android.apk 361 MB
    Version 0.6.14
  • 40 MB
    Version 0.6.14
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