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Production - Winter 2024 - Dev Log 2

Algo's Marketing Company
A downloadable game for Windows

Two playtests have been performed since the last update. The first focused on functionality, with a very limited example of how out game would be played in order to get a feel for how players were receptive to it. This involved a very basic menu, level select, and example level with an empty social media page with limited, but general, navigation. Players were able to navigate through the test well, but brought up the anticipated desire for more substance. Our second playtest unfortunately did not reach the level of substance that I had hoped for, which rests mostly on my shoulders based on my role as our team's programmer, and production manager, who designated our roles in such a way. My position, and the work I've accomplished in it, are the results of my choices and capabilities. WHile it's dissapointing that I was not able to reach the expected level of development, I still managed to create enough content to properly test our players by focusing on the most important aspects that would give us more feedback than what we recieved last time. These changes included product pages, different customers, customer posts, and the ability to make decisions on which product would suit which customer. The posts were accomplished by my team mates, who each wrote for a different user, allowing for a diverse writing style that was more convincing as being written by different people in-game. The results of the second playtest overall were quite positive. Notes for improvement lie in a better way to establish what the player's actual role is, what they should be looking out for, and making both the products and the character writing easier and more enjoyable to read and understand. I look forward to adding these changes and coming back with even more improvements!

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