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Update 0.82

Baby 3D Plugin for Construct 2
A downloadable plugin

I don't know if you noticed, but using the Plane behavior with either a Sprite or Tiled Background object didn't only mean the difference between having animations or not. It would also mean that in case of the tiled background the behavior would tile the texture, just like the 2D object does. Accordingly with the Sprite object it would not.

Since there might be the case of wanting to have an animated tiled water texture for example this is now controlled manually by the new property "Stretch". If set to "No", which is the default, the texture will be tiled. Otherwise it will just stretch it using the object's dimensions.

Similarly to the introduction of diffuse color this unfortunately might result in your existing projects not behaving correctly anymore but can be easily adjusted by quickly changing the property.

Another thing I want to briefly mention is the addition of lens effects for your cameras. Meaning you can now use edge blur, edge distortion or chromatic aberration.

For everything else take a look at the changelog:

  • added Baby 3D plugin action "Set lens effects" allowing for edge blur, distortion and chromatic aberration
  • added Baby 3D plugin action "Set render scale" so you can change it at runtime
  • added Baby 3D plugin expression "rendScale" returning the render scale
  • added Baby 3D plugin expressions "rendWidth" and "rendHeight" returning the render width and height
  • added B3D Camera behavior property "Set position" 
  • added B3D Particles plugin new blend mode option "STANDARD"
  • added B3D Plane behavior property "Stretch" deactivating tiling
  • added B3D Box and Plane behavior condition "Compare Z elevation"
  • changed Baby 3D plugin action "Stop render loop" to also clear the instance map to prevent javascript errors
  • changed B3D camera behavior to dispose itself when object is destroyed (if render loop is running another camera is needed)
  • fixed Baby 3D plugin action "Set camera position" causing javascript error when camera doesn't exist
  • fixed B3D Box and Cylinder behavior causing javascript errors on layout changes when using instances
  • fixed B3D Plane behavior assuming incorrect opacity after layout changes
  • updated the included examples to appear correctly again after the changes since 0.8


  • Baby 3D Plugins and Behaviors (0.82).zip 3 MB
    Feb 19, 2024
Download Baby 3D Plugin for Construct 2
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