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I'm taking a break (for now)

Mimosa and the Clocktower
A downloadable Mimogame

Hi. It’s a pretty unusual update, but I decided to take a break from developing on the game.

Why? The reason that I’m putting the game on hiatus again is because ever since coming back from Florida last month, I noticed how utterly burned out I felt. I just didn’t feel like following tutorials just to implement the things I want. The only things I’ve done for the game as of this year were pretty small stuff, like adding the fragments, and fixing how the background moves.

Honestly, I feel like being a solo dev is just… boring to me. It’s not wrong going solo, but I’m a guy in my 20’s now, and I’m still struggling with coding things. I think it’s better for me to focus on other things for the time being.

But does this mean that I’m gonna take a break from Timesea? Nope. Not at all. I’ll mostly prioritize on other creative aspects of it, most notably the written parts. Also, I always have the Mother Goose Library, a wiki currently being hosted on Miraheze, if you want to check it out for yourself. I’d just feel bad if I just left something I’m passionate of left to rot haha. I do have plans to hire people to work on my game once I get out of break in the future, but that’s something I’ll think about for the time being.

As for the Look back devlog, I should put it up hopefully. I haven’t been in the mood to work on that thing.

That wraps things up for this devlog. Thanks for reading. I’ll obviously make an update when I finally get back to working on it. For now, please enjoy the most recent prototype footage of my game, which is an attempt to have an NPC follow you around.

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