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Demo rebalanced release and more.

A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Hi there, welcome back to a new episode of... Wait, wrong site.

As said before, the demo has been rebalanced.

The difficulty of the game was quite high before, but in a bad way, since there was no difficulty curve to ascend, it was just very hard from the get go, so now everything is toned down for the demo, since it's supposed to be the easier part of the game, and the hard parts will be left for the full release, leaving with a better learning curve for the game.

Even then, I left one of the old tough challenges in there as an extra in case people want to try their skills.

There has been other cool changes so I'll leave you with the change list now:

  1. Climbing has been implemented, now when you are holding onto a wall via interaction, if you press up or down, you'll climb up or down.
  2. Added the ability to keep holding down when going through thin platforms to keep going through them, instead of having to double tap down every time.
  3. Fixed some bugs with wallsliding.
  4. Challenge rooms now have names, and they will appear for a moment at the top when you enter the room.
  5. Challenge room doors now show the difficulty of the challenge ahead via a star system, from half a star for easiest, to three stars for hardest. Although this isn't supposed to be exact, as someone may find something more difficult than someone else, but it's to give a heads up to the players of what "level of frustration" they can expect.
  6. Added wall momentum. Before only the floor could give you momentum, but now you keep the momentum from moving walls you were holding/sliding on, when falling off, or when walljumping.
  7. Remade basically all the challenge rooms so they are easier and offer a better learning curve. This includes the rhythm minigame.

And that's all.

I'll make a youtube video with these changes and the previous ones soon, showing them more in depth or something I guess.

Thanks for reading.


  • WishbindDemo.exe 200 MB
    92 days ago
  • WishbindDemoLinux.x86_64 203 MB
    92 days ago
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