is community of indie game creators and players


Big update

The Lost Bay
A downloadable suburban gothic RPG

Stable version reached!

I’ve uploaded a few days ago the latest version of The Lost Bay - First Look v 01_08.

Expect a few minor but important changes, and a more lean and unified system.

V 01_08 integrates tons of feedback from the community. You’ve all been phenomenal and I’m so super grateful for your support! Big up to the most active members of #the-lost-bay channel Allen Hall, Caelin Araven, Chris Airiau, Díon, enui, Neonrelic, Strega Wolf, The Green, Verdant Core, Wren. If you’re curious about TLB community, hop on the channel and come say hi, or join one of the games we run, they’re a ton of fun

This should be the last PDF update until the final version of the game is released, after the Kickstarter campaign. There will be future pre-release updates, but they’ll probably come as google docs. I’m super focused on finishing the core books as soon as possible and updating a separate PDF (the First Look edition) is distracting me a bit from the final goal. This is why I’m not planning future PDF updates until the final release.

The v 01_08 version is still a work in progress document, and you might find in it a few typos, alignment errors or other unplanned weirdness. If this happens, don’t worry, we’ll edit and fine-tune the layout of the final text, but if you notice anything outrageous in this First Look version hit me a DM and I’ll edit it. This version includes a couple a preview drafts that’ll give you a sense of what the final booklets will look like.

Lastly I’m super excited to show you the cover draft for Decay Daughters, a radioactive survival hexcrawl by Alfred Valley that’ll be included in the Kickstarter. This adds to 5 additional adventure booklets you’ll have the opportunity to grab alongside the three core modules.

You get it. The Lost Bay RPG is going to be packed with an unbelievable amount of RPG Goodness. If you haven’t yet, go follow the project on Kickstarter


  • The_Lost_Bay_First_Look_01_8_Color_cover_spreads.pdf 82 MB
    Feb 13, 2024
  • The_Lost_Bay_First_Look_01_8_Color_cover.pdf 82 MB
    Feb 13, 2024
Download The Lost Bay
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