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Dreams of Reality v0.4.8 Progress update

Dreams of Reality
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

I know many of you get the progress updates via my patreon support page, but I do like to post an update on every now and again. This is a deep dive into the current progress towards update 0.4.8 (AKA Chapter Four Part Three).

As of this writing, the infographic may be slightly outdated as additional images are still being created. While a significant portion of the development is complete, anticipate the addition of approximately 150-200 more images and a handful of animations.

Currently this update has:

- 11340 animation frames (That's 189 seconds of animation)
- 9327 lines of code
- Almost 37000 words
- 2 hidden clickables
- 4 Bonus images (2 of which are custom)

The upcoming update represents the culmination of your choices thus far. Your pursuit of a Love Interest and the decisions you've made will determine the individual you spend the rest of the evening with. Even for those who have explored various relationships, options exist to continue doing so, with specific scenes tailored for those who have avoided relationships altogether.

While this update is substantial in size, it only covers the night and subsequent day in-game time. Development efforts have been dedicated to crafting diverse paths within the update. For instance, Kimiko has three distinct paths, and for each, you could be with or without Louise, resulting in six possible path interactions.

This doesn't even account for the potential reconciliation with Louise after a split, or if you are following a more open/sharing route. These complexities apply to just a couple of characters, and when extended to all, the intricacies of the narrative become evident.

This serves as a label map for the update, although it doesn't encompass every possible choice within a scene, as some solely impact dialogue rather than altering the overall path or route.

The update introduces a refreshed appearance for several UI elements, with the most notable being the bonus replay screen. Chapter one's code has undergone a refactoring process, resulting in the removal of approximately 1200 unnecessary lines of code. This restructuring also brought to light and allowed the fixing of a few longstanding bugs.

Furthermore, the remastering of the first publicly chosen chapter one scene has been completed. Specifically, the scene involving the MC, Emily, and Louise during breakfast now matches the standard image quality of the rest of the game. This remastering process is an ongoing effort.

While I'm not yet prepared to provide an ETA for the release of this update, as there are still numerous moving parts, I am eagerly anticipating your experience with the final instalment of Dreams of Reality 0.4.8 - Chapter Four Part Three.


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