Posted February 16, 2024 by Stout Stoat
Some transparency about Visual Accessibility. TL;DR, Apawthecaria won't be getting Accessibility Tags and time soon.
I've been thinking about this pretty often, although I haven't actually had any requests for tags from readers. Apawthecaria relies on drawing and tracking your journey across a map, and every single page of this 220+ page book is illustrated, with a very granular (and often kinda hacky) set-up in regards to tables and presentation of information. In general, the game has multiple steep hurdles for VI folks 😓
I don't currently have the free time to totally strip the book back to basics and redesign everything in a way that can be (moderately) easily exported with Accessibility Tags for screen readers. An example problem are the Reagents: all of their stats are written up in tables that use custom fonts for icons (e.g. a lower case f becomes a Forest icon) paired with segmented text across multiple cells, some of which are merged. The reading experience is essentially a nightmare for a screen reader, and some information is locked away (the icons use the same letters with different fonts, so there's no way for a SR user to tell which icon is in use. They'll just hear "f", not "Forest - Unavailable" or "Forest - Rare"). I do know some very fancy design folks doing cool things with fonts, where perhaps they could set up some kind of code that makes "f-c" look like a "Forest - Common" icon. That's all theoretical though.
Perhaps in the future Anna and I will do a definitive Apawthecaria GOTY edition on Kickstarter, and as part of that we could raise the funds for me to work for a couple months on this, and consult with some VI folks about including alternative methods of play.
- Brian Tyrell (Stout Stoat)