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Lack of Updates

Mansion of Doom
A browser game made in HTML5

So it's been awhile since there's been any updates to this game and I wanted to write a post about why and explain what's been going on behind the scenes.

Development for this game has still be going on as much as ever (except a small hiatus over the Christmas period), however the development has switched to the design phase again. You see this game was based off an old game I made and I didn't really document anything when I originally developed this game. This means I reached the end of everything that had been designed and I was just sort of making things up as I went. I decided to change that. So I have gone back to the start and started expanding out the game design document, the story bible and the level sheets. I wanted to do this so when it comes to actually coding and designing the levels and features in Unity that I wouldn't just be winging it on a level to level basis. That's the reason, but what I have actually been doing.

I created a temporary concept title screen image. It will never see the light of the day but is a concept for how I want the title screen to actually look instead of just two buttons on a grey background.

I have started the story bible and have written the opening scene as well as several other scenes. I am currently up the the first boss encounter and will continue to write out all scenes until the end of the game before heading back to Unity.

The game design document is getting filled out. I have retro actively added all items, enemies and objects that I added to the Unity project. Yes I was just adding features to the game without pre planning them, this is what I am changing from now on.

I have thought about different features i want to add, some quality of life and some things that I believe will enhance the experience.

Firstly, I have decided to change the way powers work. Currently each power was going to bound to a different key, this isn't really viable if I want a new power after each world, which I do want. So I have designed a new power selection wheel system. By holding down Q a wheel with all available powers will appear, the player can select the power they want to equip with the mouse. They can use the E key to use that power. I feel this system is more user friendly and will be easy to handle the amount of new powers I want to add.

Secondly, I decided to add a world map system. Before you would go into story mode and load into the last level you were on. This was ok for a test but I wanted something more in depth. So now when you enter story mode you will be presented with a world map, akin to 2D Mario platformer games. You can navigate between levels on the World Map, red levels will be ones you have not yet completed and green ones are levels you have finished. Additionally I wanted to add some stats and replayability. So when you finish a level you will now get a splash screen, this will show you how fast you completed the level and how many deaths it took you to finish it. These stats will also be visible on the world map when you are on a level. Each level will then have different time medals you can get for completing them in a certain amount of time. The medals are bronze, silver, gold and platinum. I believe this change will add some extra fun in playing levels again to get a better time and get all Platinum medals.

Thirdly, the shop that was previously only accessible in the lobby area will now be moved to the world map. It made no sense having to exit story mode to go buy things from the shop and then head back into story mode. So now all Items will be purchasable on the world map which will help the flow of the game and feel more natural to players.

So there you go, game development is an interesting one. A lot more goes on behind the scenes than you realise. To me, it feels like I have done more work than I have since the start of the project but to outsiders, with the lack of game updates, it may seem the opposite is true. I am committed to making this game the best I possibly can and by making sure the design is done in the correct method which make this a reality.

If you're here from a job I've applied for, thank you for reading and believe me when I say I have so much passion for video game design and programming and hope it shines through from this. I believe in making something I can be proud of and have given my all to. I will continue to develop behind the scenes but will make sure to update this page with updates more frequently, even if there isn't any physical to show.

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