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Lua Demo 2

Shoot to Hundred
A downloadable game for Windows



There are 18 new guns in this demo

Bow - Fires arrows that pierces through enemies

Money Shooter - Fires your money. Can't shoot at all if you don't have any coins

Reality Breaker - Launches a projectile that, when colliding with something, launches a slice in reality

Boomerang - Always returns to you

Devolver - Shoots backwards

Fine China - Shoots teacups and plates

Cardiac Arrest -  Fires your health. Killing an enemy will heal you for 1 health point

Pluto - Fires a projectile that orbits around its initial location

Trident - Fires a piercing trident that comes back to you after hitting a wall

Makarov - The more enemies you kill, the faster you shoot

Ak-47 - A rapid-firing gun. Useful in almost any situation

Zapper - Creates a flash at the position of your cursor

Plastic Gun - Projectiles can be picked up after hitting something. Picking them up instantly recharges your gun

Crossbow - A crossbow that can be charged up to shoot an arrow

Traffic Light - Can be charged up to three levels, each level charged fires an extra projectile

Gunmetry - Deals extra damage while you are dashing

U1 - Shoots a short-range fireball

Kinetic Energy - Shoots a giant piercing bullet that knocks you back

Fossil - Shoots three slowing projectiles


Silent Bombs - Explosions delete enemy projectiles

Andromeda - Killing enemies spawns a star that shoots when an enemy is nearby

Musca - Killing enemies spawn flies that block shots

Bleeding Heart - Health up, life is set to 1 on pickup

Stone Cube - Spawns a stone cube on the floor that can be broken

--Other Changes--

-Some Pipeways rooms were altered

-Updated some of the enemies

-Small changes to the shops

-Small changes to some guns

-New (not so) secret boss

-Some graphical improvements

--Coming soon(?)--

Expect small updates that will include:


-More graphical improvements

-More sound effects

-More guns


Thanks for reading, hope u have fun playing my game🌹

Download Shoot to Hundred
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