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Pigeon Delay: Pirates Still Discussing

Pigeon Coup
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello All,

As I am sure everyone in the game jam is aware the Pirate Software team and Judges has extended the voting due to the amount of games that had been submitted. We are also happy to hear they are taking proper time to adequately judge all the games. The part that is unfortunate is we wont get to update Pigeon Coup for a few more weeks because of this.  With that said we want to discuss some of the things we have planned for as soon as we are able to begin updating the game.

UI Overhaul

We felt the UI was a little clunky is some areas, and hard to read. With that said we have several redesign in place to better display information, and make it easier for the player to understand the menus.

Art Update for Events and News

We are planning several new events with various news cycles for whether an event was completed or not for a given turn. This means you can expect more art and a more curated story experience based on which events you complete and which you don't complete.

Code Refactor

Under the hood we are rebuilding the code from scratch. The code design choices for the game jam were very sub optimal, and did not scale well with the things we were planning for the game. This redesign will allow us to better signal events, and allow for rewards and penalties for for events. This refactor is taking a large chunk of time.

These are some of the things you can expect as we continue to work on Pigeon Coup in the coming weeks. We will have another update next week with some new event art to show off.  Once the voting ends in 2 weeks we will aim to upload the revised version that we will continue to build out into a full game no matter where we place in the game jam ranking.

We look forward to creating Pigeon Coup and for the stories that our players will create!

Thank you!

The River Wolf Team

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