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Monster Mystery V1.0

Monster Mystery
A downloadable game for Windows

Monster Mystery but more, now out of demo! Experience Chapter 1 with the full cast of 20 monsters at your disposal! This is V1.0! Keep in mind if you save on this version of the game, you cannot load your save on an earlier version (like V0.8 for example) ^vv^

As a disclaimer, there are no additional story or progression additions in this update- if you've already beaten the demo, you can now replay the dungeon with your partner and with treasure bags, but otherwise there is no additional content unless you wish to start fresh with one or more of the new monsters >vv</

Monster Mystery V 1.0


  • A new title screen
  • A new randomized-ish personality quiz
  • 10 new starter monsters! (Barroth, Espinas, Great Maccao, Lagiacrus, Lagombi, Legiana, Malfestio, Odogaron, Paolumu, Yian Kut-Ku)
  • New menu for the end of the chapter 1, replay the locale as many times as you want while you wait!
  • Monsters now receive blights when standing on tiles they can't normally handle, like water (with a warning if you're trying to swap with them)
  • Some more dungeon-speaking dialog for the player/partner monsters


  • Fixed a typo 'accidentally'
  • Fixed Farunokku's feet when facing left
  • Fixed gene Evasion ID (+implemented some code to help make sure I dont slip up with IDs again)
  • Fixed the log's scroll speed being really slow
  • Fixed a bug where the controls options menu while exploring would have multiple selection arrows or not update tooltips
  • Fixed a bug where enemies wouldn't attack you and effects couldnt affect you seemingly randomly (there's still a similar but rarer bug I'm still hunting down)


  • Primary attribute is no longer considered during the partner selection of Personality Quiz (speed monsters can select speed partners for example- note that you may struggle a little if you're both tech monsters since techseal exists in the tutorial)
  • FPS cap while in a dungeon is raised to allow medium-high end computers to run it even smoother. (Will not affect current state of low-end)
  • Fireblight now deals damage over time much faster, but lasts for a shorter time
  • Tail attacks make you spin weee
  • Lighting in the first cave cutscene has been dimmed a little to not wash out colors as much

This version is work-in-progress somewhat. Though all new additions are present, I want to work on some things such as the save feature in dungeons, sprite reworking, and more tweaks before I get started on Chapter 2. Also, I'll do my best to fix any bugs I hear word of! ^vv^/ Thank you for playing!


  • 106 MB
    Feb 09, 2024
Download Monster Mystery
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