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Dev Log 9: Going Physical!

Bubble Frog
A browser Gameboy Game made in HTML5

Good morrow you fine peeps!

So bit of a different Dev Log this time.

The last day has been focused on promoting the launch of Bubble Frog Version 4. This version has every level, all mechanics, all Onigiri, basically the core game is here. Any future updates now will be bug squashing if any are found (I and a number of others have all done multiple play throughs and found nothing of issue yet).

But that doesn't mean there's no exciting news.


I was contacted by the lovely guy who runs Retro Game Shop who enjoyed Bubble Frog and wanted to make it the second title he physically published for retro fans to buy a cartridge of!

The deal has been settled, I retain all rights to Bubble Frog (meaning this won't effect the availability of the game on digital platforms!) and we're doing a small run deal where he'll produce 25 copies of the game with possible extra runs in the future based on the success.

I don't have anything to show off yet of Bubble Frog as I've only submitted the design document for the Manual today BUT their first Published game was also a Gameboy game also by a GB Studio dev on this very site!

Check out Cherry Rescue here!

This also means the ROM file that will be used for the published copy will include this little image in the title scene :D

So, what else is going on?


So my coder friend who understands way more about Java and HTML5 than I ever could dream of learning has been looking into the viability of getting a really nice version of the game put together for Steam. Some key things we wanna have are;

  • Intro Animation
  • Beautiful 1080p Key Art
  • Game Borders
  • Multiple Input Icon options (for Steam Deck, Xbox, PlayStation, Keyboard, and Switch)
  • Maybe a Gallery too.

This is where the Kickstarter would come in, as we will need a Steam Deck to test the build on, I wanna be able to pay my programmer, plus paying an animator and an artist for the Key Art (I'm an artist but Key Art is far from my strong point and a strong key art can make or break a games discoverability on Steam!) and if we raise enough, maybe even a nice piece of custom music for the menu/animation too :D

The Kickstarter is in the planning phase right now, we wanna be sure the product is viable before we go asking for money off people to make it as I don't want the backers to be taking ANY kind of risk <3)

And that's about it

For now anyway. These Dev Logs will no doubt slow down for a little bit while more background stuff is being worked on but I really hope I get to post another one soon as I love making these. I hope you enjoy reading them! :)

Speak soon!


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