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Playtest 01 results and our implementation of feedback

PLAYTEST_Polar Pathways
A browser game made in HTML5

Our first playtest came to a close a couple of weeks ago and these are what we took away from your feedback!

1. Colliders, we had missed a couple (the world boundary) through human error. We've since fixed that and added A LOT MORE. No more sliding through the world borders. Let us know if you find anymore!
2. We've slightly increased the walking speed, and adjusted the sliding to have more slip.
3. Camera feedback was heard loud and clear. We've adjusted the camera so hopefully it feels more smooth, rotation is a lot more gentle and you can look up at those cute clouds!
4. We've updated the UI and interactions witht he aim of making it more clear of what the player can/should interact with. There was a task in the first playtest; from our perspective we wanted feedback on interactivity of moveable items and completely glossed over the actual mission. Thanks to you, we've made it so it can be completed. Yes, you CAN pick up the fish
5. We heard your feedback on animations of NPC penguins, they are in the works so for now not much has changed there.
6. You can no longer zoom uphills, and going downhill in a slide feels more natural

These were the main take aways and fixes from our first playtest. Our second has just gone live! Let us know what you think and don't be afraid to hold back. The more feedback we have to work with the more we can improve.

See you soon!

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