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Polish Updates!

Midnight Muffin Delivery Service
A browser game made in HTML5

New updates have been made to Midnight Muffin Delivery Service!  Mostly to add visual polish, but hopefully to also improve functional clarity to the gameplay!

Let's start with my favorite update!  The mechanic who runs the auto-shop is named Jess, and she has a new animation!  Yes, she can now do more than just stand and blink!  Confirm your purchase in the auto-shop menu to see it in action!

I've added an animation to show smoke billowing out of the muffin cannon when firing.  This animation has three variants depending on the amount of cannon power that's used.  When a muffin lands on a building, the color scheme of that building now becomes darker.  I'm hoping that this will help reinforce the fact that you can't deliver to the same building more than once per round.  I think it's also easier to tell which buildings still need a delivery at a glance rather than just looking for the lights being out in the windows.  This update has similarly been applied to vehicles that can receive deliveries.  Some small touchups to the art for the buildings and trees have also been made to improve visual clarity.

I discovered a couple of bugs caused by the pause menu, so those should be fixed too!

All of these updates are live and can be played in the current demo!  Thank you for your interest in my game!


  • Midnight Muffin Delivery 18 MB
    Feb 08, 2024
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