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2024.0205 - Act 3 - STILL in the works

of Gods and Mortals
A downloadable game

Hey folks,

Sorry its been a minute on this one, we paused to get Winter of the Dragon out.  Additionally we are working on a new Warp Shell adventure as well as digitizing our City23 project Welcome to Shinru which is for Altered State. 

Rest assured that we're working getting you of Gods and Mortals Act 3!  It has been journal'ed and tested locally.  Next we have to transfer that into publisher as well as rework our map doodles into something y'all can use.

Hopefully folks are enjoying Act 1 and 2 as well as DIY'ing their own versions of the module!

Please leave comments with your experiences with our work, love to get feedback and hear stories from the table.

Happy gaming!
Andrew @ 2716Gaming

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