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Devlog (1): Forward.

A downloadable game


 I'll use this initial post to delve into my vision for Xylem and also conduct a post-mortem analysis of my previous project, Sap.

Sap served as my final project for my Computer Science B.S., and its development journey unfolded while I juggled multiple classes and projects, which persisted until the very end. In total, Sap took approximately 6 - 8 months to complete, with the initial two and a half months dedicated to documentation, and the final stretch dominated by rapid bug-fixing and preparations for its Steam release. In the paragraphs below, I'll share some unstructured reflections that have emerged following extensive feedback and contemplation of my work.

  • Sap fell short of the dynamic experience I had envisioned. While some players spent more time with it than I anticipated, the game lacked the compelling incentive for continued experimentation. During the project approval phase, I had to present it as a brief coffee-break-style experience due to the short development timeline. I want to emphasize that my professors and publishers were incredibly supportive, and any critique here is not intended to diminish their contributions.
  • I suspect that the chaotic development process and the relatively small scope of the concept contributed to the final outcome. Many players cited a lack of clear goals as an issue. While I don't perceive this as a problem per se, the experience did become monotonous rather quickly. There simply wasn't enough variety in terms of things to do or discover.
  • This issue brings to light another challenge - most of the complexity in the game remained hidden beneath the surface. Unfortunately, a substantial portion of it was either poorly implemented or non-functional. One of my major regrets is that I couldn't make the biological simulation as robust as I had intended. Due to the project structure, I had to prioritize other aspects before delving into the more intricate elements. This led to a rushed implementation of the simulation, necessitating a simplified state-machine for the behavioral model. Consequently, many interactions between organisms never made it into the final version.
  • Lastly, Sap doesn't feel like a complete software product in my eyes. The menus lack polish, user configuration options are minimal at best, and the tutorial leaves much to be desired. There are even lingering bugs to address.

Enough dwelling on the challenges, let's shift our focus to the heart of the matter - Xylem.

  • The central aim is to create three distinct yet interconnected systems: environmental, biological, and neurological/behavioral. Each of these systems will stand alone, but I'm hoping their interactions will give rise to diverse and interesting (if ephemeral) micro-systems.
  • Xylem will retain Sap's tile-and-turn-based gameplay.  However, there will be a deep focus on writing a solid mechanistic foundation and allowing for actual goal oriented gameplay, unlike the score-attack of Sap.  Transparency will be a core theme.  I'm planning on allowing you to crack open and peer into each system's inner workings, to understand the dynamics driving interactions.
  • One requested feature will be the inclusion of a free-mode, akin to a petri dish. This mode offers players an open canvas for exploration and experimentation, encouraging a deep dive into the game's mechanics.
  • Unlike Sap, where biome tiles coexisted with organisms and machines, Xylem's environment will directly influence the slots on the board.  The point being to create more room for the propagation of organisms and machines, while still allowing for a more focused play space.
  • Of course, I plan on addressing the other elements as well: a more smooth and professional UI/UX, save-states, proper catalog, actual / more music, smoother controls, more inclusive options, etc.

This is just a glimpse into what Xylem holds in store, and I'm eager to share more about the progress in upcoming posts. Your feedback and thoughts are always welcome as we embark on this exciting journey!


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