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Dev Log 6 : Teleport!

Bubble Frog
A browser Gameboy Game made in HTML5

Good afternoon you delicious bundles of yummy goodness!

Been a few days! I took Saturday off unwillingly because I know if I don't force myself to take a day off I'll burn out, so just relaxed, did some art (totally not Bubble Frog related >_> noooope) and maybe did like a TINY update for paying customers of the game...ok I suck at taking a day off some times!

Today though I'm back with a new Dev Log!


Yup, Bubble Frog can now TELEPORT! (must be said like in the classic Retsuprae video) using special portals. These are one way portals and you can see the end point by the markings on the level background but which one does which teleporter connect too?!

This is a fun little mechanic which will allow for quick traversal at the end of a long side path a player may take to collect some extra Onigiri.

More NPCs!

Yup, I've created true horror, a sausage called Snausage who speaks in "owo" speak. Why? Because I was too busy figuring out if I could, to question if I should!

This little NPC introduces levels 29, 30, and 31! Which means...

30+ Levels!

Yup, the games now over 30 levels long, meaning when Part 3 releases the game will have more than doubled in size since Part 1 :D

Paying players can already download the WIP build which includes 6 new levels which is now in a handy little ZIP file with all previous WIP builds so you can explore old test builds of the game if you're weird curious!

That Wraps It Up.

Ok so that's about it for today. I'm currently working on plans for a third and possibly final mechanic for Yellow Zone but not sure if it'll work yet so not gonna announce it, we'll have to wait and see! :D

Until next time remember you can follow me all over the internet but mostly I'm alive on Threads! (I know, how hipster of me)


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