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We have trees..

Hex Map Generator
A browser tool made in HTML5

...and other terrain.  At least some so far.  I've been experimenting with Godot's new noise generators, and set up height and moisture noise to display some basic terrain.  I also added a few special terrains just to break things up a bit.  The mini map is now clickable so you can jump to any map location.  

Next up: 

  • More noise to generate better terrain.  I need to add temperature, and maybe things like alignment or magical energy which could affect both the terrain and the local flora and fauna.
  • Rivers.  Ideally starting in the mountains and flowing down to the coastline.

Eventually up:

  • Kingdoms/states with cities and civilizations.
  • Roads/trade routes
  • Additional map styles
  • Cave system to explore
  • Some sort of crafting/collecting system

More to come.  Thanks for checking it out so far.

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